COVID-19 safety protocols we will be implementing:
-Everyone will be wearing masks at all times in the treatment rooms. Masks are optional in the lobby areas for those that are fully vaccinated. -Estheticians will wear face shields during upper body waxing. -Estheticians will be sanitizing the waxing beds (now with no linens or sheets atop), chair, & doorknobs after each client -All staff (estheticians & front desk) will be scheduled to work in Pods (3 pods total), so that they will only ever have contact with 2 other staff members. -All of our staff will maintain 6 feet physical distance from each other at all times. -All staff is offered hourly pay for 14 days if they test positive for Covid-19. -All staff will be given immediate paid time off to get tested if experiencing any flu/cold-like symptoms. -Both estheticians AND clients will have their temperatures taken before each and every service. Anyone with a temp of 99.9 or over will be asked to leave immediately and will not be able to get their services done, or continue the work day. -We will have a designated hand washing station set up for clients before getting any services done. -All clients will be asked to fill out a Covid-symptom questionnaire digitally before their appointment. We may follow up with any questions we have before the appointment. -All clients must have complete client profiles (full name, email address, & phone #) in our system before booking an appointment so that we can maintain 100% contact tracing ability. -If any of our staff tests positive for Covid, or comes into close contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid, we will let all clients who have had contact with that staff member within the past 14 days know immediately via phone call, text, & email. -If any of our staff members test positive for Covid, we will prohibit that entire Pod from working, and all staff in that Pod will quarantine for 14 days with hourly pay. -We will be encouraging contact-less forms of payment (credit card), and will be setting a 20% tip minimum for our staff for the foreseeable future.
Our outdoor treatment rooms:
Our new check in system:
Our COVID-19 Symptom Questionnaire (as of 9.14.2020)